Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh, Baby, Baby, it's a WILD world!

Turns out, I may not have to write my "Best of" blog after all. As you can probably imagine, much of it would've centered on UK basketball, anyway, so I figure why reinvent the big blue wheel? Instead, I'll just post what Drew Franklin (of Kentucky Sports Radio) came up with. It's a video of those Wildcats we said "Goodbye" to in 2010. I've already watched this more times than my sister watched her wedding video.

KSR: In Memoriam 2010 from Drew Franklin on Vimeo.

Also on any Wildcat's "Best of 2010" list would be the fact that UK defeated our arch-rival "Loserville" (thanks, Dad, for THAT clever little play on words) Cardinals no fewer than three times this year - once in football and twice in basketball, including during their first meeting in UL's tastily-named "Yum Center." That, of course, makes me want to get in his face and shout, "SUCK IT, RICK PITINO."

I'd do it, too, if I weren't afraid he'd take me seriously.


In the spirit of Kentucky's Big Blue domination of its "little brother," though, I give you Ryan Parker's interpretation of last Friday's win. In fact, now that this entry is done, I can FINALLY get back to re-watching my DVR'ed broadcast of the game.

Make your 2011 as BIG as the BLUE!

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