Friday, June 3, 2011

a day late & a blogger short

Later this summer, Sarah Jessica Parker will star in the film I Don't Know How She Does It. I read the book on which the movie is based. Though it's been a couple of years since then, I can remember several things about it: 1) it's about a woman who manages both a high-powered career and a hectic home life, 2) I was at the beach when I read it, and 3) I REALLY like the design of its cover.

But that's all beside the point. The point is that I was noodling on the title of these two works earlier this week, ruminating on the beautiful blogs of women who somehow find time to raise babies, dress spectacularly, and plan once-weekly, Martha Stewart-style playgroups of which they subsequently post step-by-step instructions (complete with magazine-quality photos!) on how to host your own.

All I can say is, "I don't know how she does it" - how THEY do it, these populants of the blogging mama-sphere. Surely, these girls have got ghostwriters; otherwise, how in this world do they find time to be active in their churches and communities, all while keeping the dinner casserole warm and writing six or seven blog entries a day that range in depth from "Being a mom is hard. How do YOU handle it?" to "Jane Claire is wearing this adorable outfit today, so I thought I'd post this picture I took with my iPhone, while we were waiting to take lunch to the little old ladies we visit each week."

More power to 'em. I have to admit, though, that I frequently scroll through the roll of these blogs, most of them belonging to adorable women I've never met, and think, "I don't know how she does it."

Here's what I DO know. I can't do it. There's just me here in my little duplex. My only real responsibilities are sending the rent in on time and making sure that the wastebasket doesn't overflow onto the linoleum floor of my tiny bathroom, yet I can't even find the time to blog about the facts that I finally finished my PhD or that I'M (finally) GETTING MARRIED!!!

Just in case you missed it, I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!

There are lots of details to share - the Groom-to-Be is Jeremy Pressley. The proposal occurred at Sea Island. The Big Day is October 15 - I'd write about all these things and then some, but I'm currently sidelined with some stuff that's far more important. Right now, for instance, I'm watching a Lee & Grant documentary with my fiance', the history hound.

Fear not, though, Friends. I've hired a mother of six. She's going to write the entire tale ... between cooking five courses for seven of her husband's colleagues and dropping her children at music lessons on opposite sides of town.

Good gravy.

I DON'T know how she does it.


  1. Congrats, dear! Can't wait to meet this guy!

  2. He can't wait to meet YOU, either! Where are you? Back in Unga Bunga?

  3. I am in the greatest city in the world: N. Y. C.

  4. Are you kidding!?! I was just there - what are you doing there? Do you see Mary-Mitchell a lot?

  5. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

    is it so incredibly crazy that i am so incredibly happy for you - and we've never even met!?!?!?! in fact, i may have just legally-illegally stollen the pic of you and your ring/fiance' off of your blog and be planning a congrats blog post of my own! i hope you're not TOO mad - stay posted!

    i really am SO happy for you! and your ring is beautiful! i pray that God will bless you always!

    oh - and the sec is ALWAYS better than the acc....just my opinion anyway. and no - we won't bring up basketball stats. but now football stats - those can come to the table any day =)

  6. You are more than welcome to steal any pic you want to, Suzanne. In fact, it's not stealing - I'm GIVING them to you:)

    Jeremy and I are dying to get down to the Grove for a football game, so if we ever make it down, I'm gonna be on the hunt for YOU:)

    Thanks so much for sharing in my excitement!
